Mission Statement

Our priority is to keep the diversity of life on the planet safe from the threats of the ecological crisis

We work with people who support our idea of nature conservation. American taxpayers are bearing the cost of weather disasters and crop failures.


Join our team and help us investigate the issues that cause global disasters. We want to focus on minor things that lead to larger problems.


Acting now prevents the failure in the future. Stay connected to all centers that are currently working on fighting eco problems in the world.


Eco-Friendly Farming

Environmental Benefits of Organic Farming and Organic Food

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Take Action:
Sign Our Petition

Countless issues that the oceans are experiencing are the biggest challenge for our organization and for everyone who isn't indifferent. Help us change the situation.

Climate Change
Food Security
Marine Life
take action right now
Help us safeguard the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the places we treasure.
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Donation Total: $5

Environmental Facts

Learn more about the world you live in, its weaknesses, and threats that people create for it daily
Eco Facts

27,000 trees are felled each day for toilet paper.

Eco Facts

Chewing gum will take 5 years to decompose.

Eco Facts

Each ton of aviation fuel is 3.15 tons of CO2.

Eco Facts

1 L of used engine oil can pollute 1 mil L of water.

what people say

The wonderful job that your organization does is truly priceless! I ask everyone who isn’t indifferent to donate and take part!

Angela Smith

Angela Smith

Houston, TX

Taking part in one of the campaigns was the best thing I have ever done. Please come and join us in making the planet green!

Charles Lavigne

Charles Lavigne

Ontario, Canada

We support your programs 100% and wish to integrate them into European ECO association. Thank you for the ideas and hard work!

Ryan Adams

Ryan Adams

London, UK
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